Monday 17 March 2014

Construction steps (Second page)

 Like the first page my first step here was again to create the basic structure of the second page using the line tool to construct the lines dividing the columns

 I then added the logo and the title followed by the page number on the right most side of the top of the paper

I inserted my two advert at the bottom of the page first so i can have an idea how much space will it take so that my articles can be adjusted accordingly

 Next i added the main story to my second page including its title and its related image on the top left of the paper.

 Next i added some of the sub stories but left the two on the right because i first wanted to insert the longer column to see if i need to adjust its width because i could not make it longer due to the adverts hence if adjustment was needed i had to increase it width

When all the adjustments were finalized i then added my final two stories so that my finished product was revealed.

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