Saturday 22 March 2014

Hardware and software used

The microphone was used so that while recording the radio advert the voice is clear and does not distort
The camera had its usage during shooting pictures for the newspaper and recording the newspaper radio advert
All the work such as making presentations, uploading slides,viewing contents and of course running all the required software's was done on this laptop

Fonts which i used in my newspaper pages and the newspaper poster was downloaded from this site such as the English towne font

The videos which i had to upload to blogger was first uploaded to vimeo so that the embedded code could be generated  

I viewed all the required tutorial videos,radio adverts,evaluation on YouTube to help me develop my own products

As blogger supports videos through an embedded code so i uploaded all the presentations on slide share so they could be uploaded on my blog

I created the blog on blogger and uploaded all the contents to it 

Microsoft word was used to write articles for my newspaper as photoshop didnot support spell checker so word was a better option. I later copied the articles to the psd file

Adobe photoshop was used to construct the two pages of my newspaper which was the main task and the newspaper poster which was one of the ancillary task 

I made my radio advert using the windows live movie maker software

The logo for my newspaper was made using a template from this software which is logo design studio pro

As windows 8 is more faster than windows 7 it helped me carry out such graphical task more easily

I used google mainly in my research in which i searched for existing media products such as newspaper,poster and radio adverts and then i used it in my evaluation to download images and refer to other student work 
All my presentations for analysis and evaluations was made using Microsoft power point 2010

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