Wednesday 4 September 2013

Top 10 journalist in the world

Walter Cronkite
Referred to as the ‘most trusted man in America’, Walter Cronkite was the former anchor and managing editor of the show CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite

Anna Politkovskaya
The Russian investigative journalist, famous for her coverage of human rights abuses by the Russian government in Chechnya
                                                                 Veronica Guerin V
Irish investigative journalistRenowned for her exposés of crime lords in Dublin, Guerin, who wrote for the Sunday Independent

Peter Jennings
Considered one of America’s most distinguished journalists, Jennings was a legendary broadcaster who reported extensively on breaking news events.

Christiane Amanpour
Christiane Amanpour is arguably one of the most popular faces of modern day American TV news, serving as CNN’s chief international correspondent and global affairs anchor for ABC News.

Kate Adie
The BBC’s chief news correspondent became one of the best-known faces on television for her reporting from major wars and conflicts including the Gulf, former Yugoslavia, Albania, Rwanda, China and Sierra Leone.

Sami Al Hajj
The Sudanese cameraman sent to cover the US war against the Taliban

Hunter Thompson
Considered the father of ‘gonzo journalism’, a style of writing where the reporter is involved in the story. He mainly worked for Rolling Stone magazine 
Robert Fisk
Robert Fisk holds the distinction for being one of the few Western journalists to interview the world’s most wanted man, Osama Bin Laden three times.

Hu Shuli
Listed among the Top 100 Influential People by Time magazine in 2011, Chinese journalist Hu Shuli is considered one of the best reporters in the media-restrained country. 

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