Monday 2 September 2013

Set Brief

The print brief includes two task
1) Ancillary task: This includes working on two of three options
a) A poster for the newspaper
b) A radio advertisement for the newspaper;
c) Two hyper linked pages from the paper's website

2) Main Task: Moreover the  construction of Two pages of a local newspaper has to be carried out for the main task , after finalizing the columns and news that the newspaper will include the next step would be the development of the pages.

For this purpose we have to conduct our own photography and all the images need to be authentic and self taken, using an editing software of our choice we will develop our pages using the required conventions. The main page will include a headline and sub stories that are published in the newspaper also the masthead and the date and day the newspaper is published. The second page will include the columns,paid advertisements and stories that are cannot make the headlines 

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